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   We're an online book club consisting of DevSecOps
   enthusiasts (developers, devops, and security
   practitioners) that all love to learn, hack, and
   share knowledge with each other.
   We read security-focused books and meet at least once
   a month to hang out, chat with each other, and
   occasionally interact with book authors directly.

   Host: @rdegges@mastodon.green
   Since: September, 2022
   Co-host: @hungoboss@infosec.exchange
   Since: February, 2023
   Membership is free, and anyone interested in
   cybersecurity is welcome to join.
   The book club chat and live meetups happen on our
   Discord server which you can join by clicking
   this link.

   October, 2023

   Title: The Phoenix Project
   Authors: Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford
   Purchase: Amazon

   February, 2023
   Title: Bug Bounty Bootcamp: The Guide to Finding and Reporting Web Vulnerabilities
   Author: Vickie Li
   Purchase: Amazon

   November, 2022

   Title: Designing Secure Software: A Guide for Developers
   Author: Loren Kohnfelder
   Purchase: Amazon
   September, 2022
   Title: Alice and Bob Learn Application Security
   Author: Tanya Janca
   Purchase: Amazon